Rosario Marcianò – Indifference and lethargy of a population unable to see chemTrails, let alone watch

rosario 9

Rosario is a true hero of our movement.

rosario 1

13 marzo, 2014

Una brutale bruttezza

March 13, 2014

A brutal ugliness

L’ignoranza avanza e non abbiamo più speranza.

Ignorance forward and we have no more hope .

Non sono un estimatore di Vittorio Sgarbi che, alla fine, palesa una visione ingenua e parziale degli amministratori di cui egli condanna “solo” l’insipienza e la corruzione.

‘m not a fan of Vittorio Sgarbi, who eventually reveals a naive view and partial of directors of which he condemns “only” the foolishness and corruption.

Purtroppo i governanti, quelli veri, non i pu-pazzi putrefatti che infestano i media, sono tutto fuorché incapaci, ma questo è un altro discorso…

Unfortunately, the rulers, the real ones, not the crazy-rotting that can infest the media , are all but incapable, but that’s another story …

Sgarbi ha ragione, però, quando si avventa contro le brutture del “paese dove il sì suona”, quando si scaglia contro i bruti che stuprano l’arte e la natura.

Sgarbi is right, though, when it rushes against the ugliness of the “country where the yes sounds, “when he rails against the brutes who rape art and nature.

In una scadente skyline si stagliano abominevoli edifici pubblici progettati da architetti ignoranti, costruiti per volontà di “politici” ancora più beoti, opere pubbliche che devastano il territorio con colate di cemento, obbrobriose nonché pericolose rotatorie, squallidi centri commerciali e parcheggi che sorgono là dove si estendevano parchi o campi coltivati…

In a poor skyline silhouetted abominable public buildings designed by architects ignorant, built at the behest of “political” even more Obtuse, public works that are ravaging the territory with cast concrete, disgraceful and dangerous roundabouts, dingy malls and parking lots that arise where extended parks or fields …

E’ in ogni dove l’inno alla più brutale bruttezza, il peana all’orrore.

And ‘every where the hymn to the most brutal ugliness, the paean to horror.

Contemporamente capolavori architettonici, scultorei e pittorici, nel migliore dei casi, giacciono nell’incuria, quando non sono più o meno deliberatamente danneggiati o distrutti.

simultaneous feeding architectural masterpieces, sculpture and painting, in the best case, lie nell’incuria, when no longer or less deliberately damaged or destroyed.

E’ il caso in special modo di quei monumenti che, con la scusa dei restauri, sono poi in parte demoliti o stravolti nella loro originaria fisionomia.

It ‘s the case especially of those monuments which, under the guise of restoration, are then partially demolished or altered in their original physiognomy.

Invano tuoneremo contro questi scempi che si consumano nell’indifferenza e nell’ignavia di una popolazione incapace di vedere, figuriamoci di guardare.

tuoneremo vain against such havoc that you consume indifference and lethargy of a population unable to see, let alone watch.

Dappertutto mefitiche discariche, mortali inceneritori, fabbricati industriali, quartieri congestionati da tetri casermoni…

Everywhere stinking landfills, incinerators mortals, industrial buildings, congested districts from dreary barracks …

Le montagne sono sventrate, gli alvei dei fiumi cementificati, le pianure dilaniate da superstrade.

The mountains are gutted, the cemented beds of rivers, plains torn apart by freeways.

Nelle colline sono conficcati tralicci ed antenne, il cielo è un viluppo di scie velenose e nebbie mortali.

In the hills are embedded antennas and masts, the sky is a tangle of trails poisonous and deadly mist.

La vita sul pianeta sta agonizzando, ma la bellezza è già morta da tempo.

‘s life on the planet is agonizing, but the beauty is already dead for some time.

E’ morta, perché oggigiorno quasi nessuno più è sensibile ai veri valori estetici.

And ‘dead, because nowadays almost no one is more sensitive to the true aesthetic values.

Non sorprende che in questa età attratta in modo irresistibile verso il laidume e la deformità si celebri il trionfo di una pellicola italiota che incarna, con la sua sconvolgente mostruosità, un’epoca di ammorbante putrefazione.

‘s not surprising that in this age irresistibly attracted towards the laidume and the deformity is celebrated the triumph of a film that embodies Italiot, with its shocking monstrosity, a ‘era of ammorbante putrefaction.

Non sorprende che la televisione ed il cinema siano impastati di sangue, di scene truculente e sordide.

‘s not surprising that television and cinema are caked with blood, gore and sordid.

Soprattutto le nuove generazioni amano sguazzare in questa pozza ripugnante.

Especially the younger generation love to wallow in this filthy puddle.

[I take Rosario’s point. But here in the United States, my experience has been the younger generation is painfully aware of chemTrails. Perhaps they feel powerless to do anything about it. It’s the seniors who’ve fallen asleep at the wheel – the hippie generation. Perhaps they feel they’ve done their part. But many are strategically placed and could make a difference. One thing really upsets me when I’m handing out flyers to a senior couple. And they say they don’t want to know. This is your children’s health, your grandchildren, your animals, your crops. You should want to know.]

Prima ci hanno defraudato dell’incanto che si sprigiona da un firmamento trapunto di stelle, da una volta su cui fluttuano nubi vaporose, ora ci privano del benessere, della salute.

before we were defrauded of enchantment that is emitted by a star-studded firmament, from a time in which floating vaporous clouds, now deprive us of well-being, health.

Se l’anima è morta, è fatale che il corpo, ormai patetico, inutile involucro, langua e perisca.

If the soul is dead, it is inevitable that the body, now pathetic, useless shell, and langua perish.

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24 thoughts on “Rosario Marcianò – Indifference and lethargy of a population unable to see chemTrails, let alone watch

  1. #kerry #lavrov #ukraine #crimea #russia #NATO

    Igor Morozov of the Federation Council

    “Ukraine is most likely some sort of trump card for the Americans right now – to have the EU fight with Russia over Ukraine’s association

    in order to prevent the stabilization of the political and economic situation in our region.

    In that case, the dollar has a good chance of strengthening and remaining the world’s reserve currency,” he concludes.

    [Oh no, no, no! The U.S. would never act in its own interests!]


  2. What I want to know is who is spraying the trails that linger? Do you notice how some trails look identical at first, but then dissipate very rapidly? I’ve labeled these “Malevolent” and “Benevolent” in the past, but I’m open to suggestion. Thanks.


  3. #370 #Flight370 #mh370

    [I would have no way of knowing if Mike Harris knows what he’s talking about regarding the disappearance of this plane.]

    Published on Mar 14, 2014
    MIKE HARRIS, Rense Radio Talk Show Host and I, originally broadcast on Livestream (Thursday, March 13th) taking questions and call-ins regarding disappeared Flight 370.

    We discuss the history of Freescale Semiconductor (formerly Motorola). Mike Harris is a former subcontractor and vendor who reported to upper level management for Motorola.


  4. #kerry #lavrov #ukraine #crimea #russia #NATO

    “Ukraine’s refusal to join NATO”

    About 3,000 demonstrate in central Kharkiv for federalization of Ukraine

    World March 16, 16:22 UTC+4

    ‘If we answer in the affirmative to the question about federalization, this will settle inter-ethnic rifts that exist in Ukraine,” said the leader of the Kharkov branch of the Communist Party of Ukraine, Alla Aleksandrovskaya.

    She added that the referendum should also decide such questions as

    the status of the Russian language as a second official one and

    Ukraine’s refusal to join NATO.

    [This morning I heard Wesley Clark say Putin might have been willing to deal a few days ago, but he wasn’t sure that was still possible. Perhaps it’s not too late. But this talk of Ukraine trading NATO missiles for IMF relief, well you may as well kiss off Kharkiv, too.]


  5. #kerry #lavrov #ukraine #crimea #russia #NATO

    State’s Rights

    Moscow, meanwhile, called on Ukraine to become a federal state as a way of resolving the polarization between Ukraine’s western regions — which favor closer ties with the 28-nation EU — and its eastern areas, which have long ties to Russia.

    In a statement Monday, Russia’s Foreign Ministry urged Ukraine’s parliament to call a constitutional assembly that could draft a new constitution to make the country federal, handing more power to its regions.

    It also said country should adopt a “neutral political and military status,” a demand reflecting Moscow’s concern about the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO and possibly integrating closer politically and economically with the EU.

    Russia is also pushing for Russian to become Ukraine’s state language.

    In Kiev, Ukraine’s new government dismissed Russia’s proposal Monday as unacceptable, saying it “looks like an ultimatum.”

    [Seems to me most conservative Americans favor “a federal state” for us, why not for conservative Ukranians?]


  6. #kerry #lavrov #ukraine #crimea #russia #NATO #IMF

    Meanwhile, Ukrainian prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk has vowed to track down and bring to justice all those promoting separatism in Crimea.

    He says his country will find the ones who are trying to destroy Ukrainian independence.

    “To the Ukrainian people – let there be no doubt, the Ukrainian state will find all those ringleaders of separatism and division who now, under the cover of Russian troops, are trying to destroy Ukrainian independence,” he told a cabinet meeting.

    “We will find all of them – if it takes one year, two years – and bring them to justice and try them in Ukrainian and international courts. The ground will burn beneath their feet.”

    [Ukrainian prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk giving Putin reason to invade? Lost in all of this —

    Accepting the Association Agreement with the EU and the IMF aid package would actually remove any semblance of Ukrainian independence.

    1. It stipulates that Ukraine cannot accept any financial support from Russia,

    2. It would make impossible any Ukrainian economic planning that did not follow the guidelines established by the IMF and other imperialist lending agencies.

    3. Because tof he nature of the IMF-imposed economic agenda, Ukraine would find it very difficult to ever escape the debt cycle.

    The IMF mandates, for example that capitalist profits be only minimally taxed, the government provide generous financial support and tax breaks for capitalist ventures, public services be privatized, and restrictions on transfer of capitalist profits abroad be minimal.

    As a result, it would be difficult, if not impossible for any Ukrainian government to raise funds for basic institutions people need to live a quality life.

    (If you have doubts about these claim, look at the living conditions of the masses of the people in the 27 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa that have been controlled by the IMF for many years now.)

    IMF control of the economies of the “developing world” is the reason it never develops!]


  7. #kerry #lavrov #ukraine #crimea #russia #NATO #IMF

    Meanwhile, Ukrainian prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk has vowed to track down and bring to justice all those promoting separatism in Crimea.

    He says his country will find the ones who are trying to destroy Ukrainian independence.

    “To the Ukrainian people – let there be no doubt, the Ukrainian state will find all those ringleaders of separatism and division who now, under the cover of Russian troops, are trying to destroy Ukrainian independence,” he told a cabinet meeting.

    “We will find all of them – if it takes one year, two years – and bring them to justice and try them in Ukrainian and international courts. The ground will burn beneath their feet.”

    [Ukrainian prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk giving Putin reason to invade? Lost in all of this —


  8. In the case of the Crimea to Russia, whether Moscow quickly restore electrification, water supply, which are now provided from mainland Ukraine? –

    First, I would like to note that the Dnieper-Crimea supplies water primarily steppe plains of Crimea, where the main ethnic groups are Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars.

    Therefore, any water shortages will only lead to a reduction of those ethnic groups that are not loyal to the new regime.

    And the question is solved electrification supply of electricity from neighboring Krasnodar region.

    Dnieper-Crimea Krasnodar


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